The Psychology of Money. ONLINE Trainings
Date: 22.04.2023 — 23.04.2023
For everyone who wants to create financial well-being and become more aware of what the psychology of money means in our life.
Two-day online trainings in the psychology of money. Therapeutic work helps to improve the relationships with money through various theoretical topics and practical techniques. The work is based on the unique developments at the intersection of knowledge from business psychology, Gestalt psychotherapy, coaching, entrepreneurial experience, neuropsychology, behavioral economics and also art, literature and philosophy.
As far as the concept of money in our life is emotionally charged, work during this course is based on specific personality oriented practical exercises and psychological theoretical explanations that will help you:
- to raise your financial awareness and your perception of relationships with money;
- to improve your financial literacy and financial emotional intelligence;
- to heal your negative emotions related to money such as fears, shame, guilt, aggression etc.;
- to understand your real needs and transform them into goals;
- to feel where your real motivation to earn money is;
- to improve your financial resilience so you could reach your goals, dreams and wishes;
- to unblock your energy for work or business performance;
- to work with psychological mechanisms that stop you from well-being;
- to explore your relationships with money through the lense of relationships with family/collegues/clients/partners/etc.;
- to discover the resources of your professional or business efficiency;
- to review your decision-making mechanism and to learn how to approach your financial freedom with creativity;
- to work at any actual request relevant to your unique experience;
- to master theoretical part of the course on financial emotional intelligence, financial psychological resilience, financial decision-making, the psychology of money needs and wishes, personal motivation in work, business, professional performance, the psychology of money conflict, etc.
The program consists of 5 two-day online seminars in ZOOM.
Seminar 1 (22-23.04.2023, 10 am – 6 pm GMT +3)
Financial freedom: Creating your financial awareness. Psychological concept of money. Psychology of your financial resilience. Working on your needs, wishes and purposes.
Seminar 2
Psychological mechanisms of money contact interruption: Unblocking your energy. Financial emotional intelligence. Therapeutical work with your negative emotions (fears, anxiety, guilt, shame, aggression, etc.).
Seminar 3
Money and conflicts (interpersonal and intarpersonal): Creating balance of material and spiritual, integrating controversy. Financial dependence-independence-interdependence.
Seminar 4
Individual features in relations with money: Working on the development of healthy methods to deal with your money. Narcissistic, neurotic and schizoid types of responses in the process of financial decision-making. Money in different types of relationships.
Seminar 5
Psychology of selling and atmosphere of working (business) performance: Establishing contact with processes. Relationships with clients/consumers/partners/employees/collegues and their influence on income. Psychological secrets of marketing. Price-value.
Tatiana Yevtushok, Gestalt therapist, Gestalt coach, Business Psychologist, Supervisor, Trainer at Interregional institute for Gestalt therapy and art, Member of EAGT (European association of Gestalt therapists), SPR (Society for psychotherapy research), Student-member of BPS (British Psychological Society), INTAGIO (International association of Gestalt in organization)
You can read trainer’s articles on the psychology of money here…