Personal effectiveness and professional activity
So what does really guarantee the successful harmonious development of professional activity (business), personal effectiveness in work and the desired financial reward?
In physiology, there is the concept of proprioception, the muscular sense of self-movement and body positioning. Since physiology is directly related to mental activity, I took the risk and transferred this concept to the professional body of the realization of a person – his activity, business, work. You are to judge what came out of it, but according to my observations, everything is happening exactly this way in the activity and not only in it…
So, proprioception of activity is a sense of the positioning and movement of a person within his activity.
It is the proprioception that allows a person to act and work with the feeling of being on the border of contact with the environment, i.e. with a sense of high-quality harmonious interaction with the outside world in the course of activities, including the ability to competently resolve conflicts, assessing and coping with emotions and acting favorably to all participants in the situation involved in our activities. Life without conflict is plant life. Conflict in its essence is inherent in a person, but the conflict is not in the perception of categories of struggle and victory or defeat, but the conflict as a mutual opportunity to grow and advance in the development for all the participants.
Proprioception of activity makes it possible for us to understand where we are now, regarding our needs and the needs of the environment (clients, customers, etc.), as well as where and in what direction we are moving, and at the same time what we are doing what efforts are we making to maintain the current position in our activity and to move in a certain direction. It means we are at the same time both in a certain position and are moving in a certain direction. It is a kind of interrelationship between the result and the process. An adequate assessment of the right course of the direction of our movement depends on the quality of positioning.
Proprioception of activity is connected with self-awareness, assessment, but not the one that is within the paradigm of good/bad, but one integrated by an internal observer, and which consists of three senses:
- Feeling of location in a certain point:
- What is the state of my business (or my finances)?
- Where am I?
- A sense of movement in a particular direction:
- Where does this state of my activity (or my finances) lead me?
- Where do I want to get?
- Feeling the power to move:
- How much strength do I feel to maintain the current situation?
- How much do I need to achieve the desired state?
When a person is faced with crises, stagnations, conflicts, or certain difficulties in the course of his work activity, he wonders whether he is going there at all. And if he does not like the state of affairs, is not satisfied with the vector of movement or its quality and does not like the state of internal strengths for activity, then we can assume that his personal effectiveness, and therefore the quality of life in general, suffers. Since suffering is always a sign of an opportunity to grow, of giving birth to something new and evidence of an open gestalt trying to shut down, it makes sense to speak in this case about the positioning of the person towards effective change. We can begin to search for new meanings, try to pump ourselves with energy in different ways, find motivation in personal needs or from outside, awaken desires and the like, but the problem is that in all these actions and experiments there is no communication component of intentionality.
What does it mean to feel intentionality?
It means to be directed at someone or something, to be in the flow, in other words, to confirm the inner sense of a life purpose with the sense of the presence of the meaningful. It is impossible to build a business/implement activities without the others who are important (clients, partners, customers, etc.)…
Intentionality is a communicative property; it is not the ability to sense desires. Desires are multidimensional – needs stand behind them, and behind needs – the feeling of having an intention when something from the inside leads me to where I should be for some reason.
Intentionality provides inspiration like a muse.
Intentionality in activity gives a sense of mission without rationalizing what we receive or give.
It is primary and creates an in-depth experience of the beauty of existing in the world and of justification of life:
– What I do is not only necessary for me, but is also important for the world.
– I feel the realization of the purpose of life and co-creation with the world.
– We are capable of mutual contemplation.
Successful and rich can only be the one who feels the mere capability to be such, and this is not about knowing about such capability, but about the real feeling, being in a certain state, including bodily. What actualizes this state? Just as a river consists of a current and banks, so human nature emulates to it with the help of a cherished formula:
Intention – intention – what flows and leads us from within to something
Potency – capability – what is stored in the structure of our personality as an assumption of the ability to get to something
The comprehensiveness of the experience of life
The element of the emotional movement, combined with the structure of a stable knowledge about oneself in the image and similarity of the ideal of the Creator, generating the results of joy and pleasure.
Usually, in connection with the activity, we are all accustomed to hearing first about motivation.
If we see intention as intending something and potency as an opportunity and ability to get to it, then motivation is power, the urge to act by reason, i.e. it combines the two previous concepts and can arise when they are present. Motivation is possible only when intention and potency are already present, otherwise motivation can threaten us with false movements not in the directions we need. Etymologically, the meaning of the word intention can be traced as from pressure, from internal tension, which paints our actions and movements in the direction, passed through the prism of our values. In this case, proprioception, as an adequate assessment of the activities, ensures the understanding and satisfaction of precisely those needs that arise at the border of contact with our environment.
Needs play an important role in the perception of the situation as a factor of the possibility of change by finding the motive to end up in this position, the impulse that brought us here.
Intentionality can be correlated with the axis of the joy of being as of a process of presence of vital energy in us, this calls us to live in the world, and potentiality – with the axis of pleasure to have, of meeting needs as a mandatory result in response to the calling by which the world calls us to live so that we can maintain this vital energy.
If you ask how one can restore the lost intentionality and potentiality, then I will not answer you, of course, that these are the categories that modern Gestalt coaching works successfully with, so that you do not consider my message self-advertisement! 🙂 The purpose of my article is to explain how it works, and how personal effectiveness in work and professional activities directly depends on the ability to feel all three components of mental proprioception, as well as intentionality and potentiality.
Thus, we combine the real (presence of intention) with the ideal (presence of capability), and these are already the best traditions of the classical concept of the art of activity.